Tuesday, May 31, 2011


1. Texture is the visual and mainly the tactile quality of a surface.

2. Shooting texture take photography one step further because it conveys the viewer not only how something looks, but also how it feels to the touch.

3. The bonus of photographing bricks is because it has the ability of creating patterns & symmetrical shapes.

4. One plant texture you can photograph is a tree bark because it has a lot of interesting quality as in glazed smooth or dry, also the peeling and rough surface.

5. One touchable quality of paint is a shiny new coat.

6. Stone lend itself to texture studies because its both in nature and urban settings.

7. Some aspects of wood that are inspiring are twisted roots, roughly chopped fire piles, & visible gnarls & knots.

8. Three fabrics I can photograph at school is cotton, silk and polyester.

9. One quality that rope has rough & fraying. In my school a rope can be found in the gymnasium.

10. Metal is a good material to photograph because it is smooth, cool & reflective, rusty, tarnished & dull because of these textures it gives off an age which fills the photographer with excite.

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